Unique Gifts Commemorating the World's Most Spectacular Places

Clingmans Dome Pin
  • Clingmans Dome Pin
  • Clingmans Dome Pin
  • 1 inch diameter
  • Cast in fine pewter
  • Military clutch back
  • Mounted on story card
Place Name: Clingmans Dome
Elevation: 6,643 ft.
Coordinates: N35° 33' 46'' W83° 29' 55''
Location: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA
At 6,643 feet, Clingmans Dome is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is the highest point in Tennessee, and the third highest point in the Appalachian Mountain range. Only Mt. Mitchell (6,684 feet) and Mt. Craig (6,647) in Mt. Mitchell State Park rise higher. Clingmans Dome is a popular park destination. Spectacular vistas await those willing to climb a 30-minute steep half-mile walk to the tower at the top. On clear, pollution-free days, views expand over 100 miles.