Absolutely! I proposed to my wife atop South Sister. It was the first glaciated peak either of us had hiked. We even have an Erskine Wood print of the 3 sisters in our living room. BTW… Kudos to you Mr. Bartley, all 3 peaks in 24 hours is quite the feat! That’s awesome!
YES! Pls do a South Sister medallion or all 3 Sisters. We live here; we climb here. Have done all 3 Sisters in one 24 hour period as well. Thank you. Steve
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Absolutely! I proposed to my wife atop South Sister. It was the first glaciated peak either of us had hiked. We even have an Erskine Wood print of the 3 sisters in our living room. BTW… Kudos to you Mr. Bartley, all 3 peaks in 24 hours is quite the feat! That’s awesome!
YES! Pls do a South Sister medallion or all 3 Sisters. We live here; we climb here. Have done all 3 Sisters in one 24 hour period as well. Thank you. Steve